a r c h i v e .

Sunday, October 25, 2009


we have been re-connected with the outside world. the cult blog continues and the cult continues to read. there's alot of shit that went down in the past couple weeks, i'll go over most of it in the next week or so but to tantalize your eyes for the moment:


JTHEJOINT | MySpace Video

this is from Don't Trip's last show @ the balazo in San Francisco. show was tight, weekend was tight. without saying too much, our band either has good luck or are a bunch of crafty mother fuckers cuz we pull ourselves out of the stickiest of situations with ease. this explains the entire weekend. oakland is my second home.

weed. sleep. weed. work. weed. sandwiches. weed. breakfast burritos. weed. pussy. weed. riff.